Gleaning Cornwall has been set up to help feed those in poverty at a time when numbers of people struggling to put food on the table have rocketed, minimise waste and reconnect people with the land. Launched by Regenerative Food and Farming CIC, Gleaning Cornwall harvests surplus food and delivers it to food banks, community kitchens, community larders and cupboards. Produce is donated free of charge on the agreement that it is free to the end user. In doing so they are bringing an age-old practice to avoid waste into the 21st century.



Sorry Tales of Deprivation from the Front Line

Lynne – Volunteer charitable food organisation, Mid Cornwall   Jan 2025 ‘Now that 2024 is well and truly behind us, let me tell you the reality of Christmas here in Cornwall. The struggling...

The Situation Facing Farmers

Holly Whitelaw – Founder of Gleaning Cornwall Through our work we have learnt a great deal about the stresses facing the hard-working people that feed us and how difficult it is to make fruit and veg...

Addressing food waste

Holly Whitelaw – founder of Gleaning Cornwall One of the problems Gleaning Cornwall is helping to address, is food waste. Though the majority of food waste comes from our homes, a large proportion...

What our volunteers say

I am so glad that have been able to be a Gleaning volunteer. I really wanted to do something that would mave a difference but also something that would give me a chance to meet up with others who were...

Gleaning Cornwall – making a massive impact on food poverty

Thanks to farmers across Cornwall, teams of volunteers have been out in all weathers, cutting and filling crates with surplus veg throughout the winter. But where does that veg go and what impact does...

Gleaning Visit to Riviera Produce

The number of organisations feeding people in need and the rise in working people who are now homeless, living in shelters, vehicles, sofa surfing and even on the street, is escalating at pace and a...

Sustainability awards 2023, ‘Ansome!

By Karen Ross, Cornwall Gleaning coordinator We are delighted to have received an award in the Circular Economy category at the prestigious ceremony held at the Royal Cornwall Museum The helping hands...

Ensuring food goes where it’s needed most

The Gleaning Cornwall network supplies fruit and vegetables to around 100 charities, organisations and volunteer groups who are working hard to ensure those facing food poverty don’t go hungry...

Update – Our 4×4 pickup needs a name!

Thanks to everyone for coming together to get the Gleaning team in 4 wheel drive. We did it! The first 4×4 has been purchased and is now hard at work. This 4×4 vehicle will enable Gleaning Cornwall to...

Crowdfunder flashmob!

Wow, what an amazing bunch of volunteers we have! Watch and enjoy our Gleaning Flashmob in fields across the county as they dance to Irene Cara – Flashdance What A Feeling. With just 2 weeks to go we...

Reducing farm food waste

Holly Whitelaw – Founder of Gleaning Cornwall One of the problems Gleaning Cornwall is helping to address, is food waste. Farmers, through no fault of their own, often can’t harvest all their...

Healthy food for Cornish families

According to The Big Issue, the UK’s rate of food poverty is among the worst in Europe. Despite being the sixth richest country in the world, millions are struggling to access the food they need. The...

Poverty in Cornwall

The number of organisations feeding people in need and the rise in working people who are now homeless, living in shelters, vehicles, sofa surfing and even on the street, is escalating at pace and a...


Pip – Volunteer with Gleaning Cornwall In our village church we have a “Give and take shelf” where, since Covid times, people have left donated food items for others in need to take...

‘Long may they continue!’

David – Volunteer with Gleaning Cornwall I first heard of the Gleaners through my late wife. She was a committed environmentalist. Sadly she was not well enough to join herself. On her passing I...

‘Such a positive experience!’

Hilda – Volunteer with Gleaning Cornwall I have always foraged and gleaned but walking about the countryside I was both puzzled and horrified by the amount of agricultural wastage: occasionally...

‘I love working outdoors!’

Sally – Volunteer with Gleaning Cornwall I heard about gleaning through a friend and thought I’d give it a go. My first glean was organic cauliflowers. I was absolutely astounded at the amount...

‘Something so small makes SUCH a huge difference!’

Jenni J – volunteer with Gleaning Cornwall I heard about Cornwall Gleaning from a neighbour. Love that I am doing something that is combating food waste and helping to feed people. Fresh...

Poverty in Cornwall

By Teresa, Gleaning Logistics Poverty in Cornwall is escalating at a rapid rate. The divide between rich and poor is one of the highest in the country. Hidden among the glamour of this sought after...

A week in the life of a gleaning coordinator

Jenni Duncan – Coordinator for Mid and West Cornwall Hi I’m Jeni and I joined the gleaning network in September 2021 after discovering an advert for the role of area coordinator on Social Media...

Who are we helping to feed? 

March 2023 Volunteer at recipient organisation ‘I could write a book on all the different reasons that people turn up for help but this just scratches the surface. Without the gleaner’s help we...

Don’t veg, volunteer!

Our volunteers have been hard at work gleening fruit and veg across mid and west Cornwall but we need to grow our team. So far this year we have rescued over 35 tons of produce that ordinarily would...

We did it!!!

Following a successful crowdfunder we are humbled by the generosity of our supporters and would like to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has donated during December 2021 to help us raise funds. We...

Gleaning Cornwall – Vehicle Fundraiser

Gleaning Cornwall is in need of 2 suitable 4×4 vehicles to aid us in gleaning ever increasing amounts of veg from local farm fields. Our Crowdfunder is now live, read more about it here or hit the...

Instagram posts

Gleaning Cornwall Network


The largest gleaning group in Europe! Reducing food waste from farms & distributing it, for free, to food banks and charities across the region. 🥦
  • Thank you to Katie and the team at #heligangardens for inviting us. We really enjoyed hearing about the productive gardens.  How lovingly your teams have restored the stunning walled garden, the produce you grow and how, how neat everything is. It was really inspiring to see so much growth, and a pleasure to share stories of what we do at #gleaningcornwall . Our volunteers were in awe of the gardens as we wandered through exotic plantings and enjoyed the explosive colours of the rhododendrons, camellias and magnolias. We look forward to returning later in the year, gleaning some produce and sharing growing tips.
#gardens #cornwall #volunteeringisfun #daysout #springtime #collaboration #gleaning #walkingaround #joy #grattitude
    14 hours ago
  • Super springy kale glean this week. What a fab superfood this is. This one is an easy pick, no bending down and no equipment needed to harvest these beauties.#nutrition #riviera.produce#kale #superfood #nutritiousanddelicious #greens #volunteering#gleaning #foodpoverty #helpinghands ##cornwall
    2 days ago
  • Come a join us this Sunday from 10-12 on a parsnip pick! This is a family friendly glean to collect parsnips missed by the harvester. Helping us is helping others in our community, so please do come along.  The glean is in Sennen, and wellies are essential whatever the weather.
Please DM for exact location.
See you there!#parsnips#freshveg#nutrition #foodpovertyawareness #community#sennen #helpinghands
    2 weeks ago
  • Wow what a BUMPER WEEK!
With HUGE THANKS to our super supportive farming community @riviera.produce for scrumptious cauliflower @collinscornishpotatoes for smashing spuds and Brew farm Sennen for perfect parsnips. Working collaborations with local producers enables us to support those in food poverty across Cornwall, and beyond#community #cornwallfarmers #supportivecommunity #gleaning #freshproduce #nourishment #helpinghands
    2 weeks ago
  •  Check out this fab little video made with #transformationcornwall on a sunny day out gleaning last year. And if you like to help us keep on doing what we do best then please do support our crowdfunder link in biog and QR Code at the end of the video🌈🙏🥬🍏🍅🫛🥦🥒🧅🥔#foodpovertyuk #cornwalllife #supportingcommunity #crowdfund #farminguk #gleaningnetworkuk #volunteer#grattitude
    1 month ago
  • What a joyful time of year is parsnip harvest. Ooh how we love those sweet white roots. Today, with a small team of volunteers we picked up, dug up and wrangled with enough of these beauties to send out across the county and beyond. Thanks to the Semmens family @Brew Farm, down West.
#parsnips #gleaning #community #volunteering #sunshine #sennencove #cornwall#feedingthehungry #localproducers #grattitude
    1 month ago
  • It was great to be invited to have breakfast with #The grumpy old men’s breakfast club at #thepenventonhotel . Teresa who is Gleaning Cornwalls Logistics Queen and Jeni, Miss boots on the ground joined this fantastic group of chaps to drum up some volunteer drivers and field volunteers. It was such a joy to see so many guys all chatting and enjoying company.  Many of the chaps we spoke with were retired and or had lost their wives, found coming together as a group to be really rewarding. Volunteering is such a fantastic way to make new friends, be part of the community and have a rewarding experience. If you can help us by becoming a volunteer DRIVER help with FUNDRAISING, or be a field veg gatherer then drop us a message…. We look forward to meeting you. #gleaning #drivers #community #social #friendship#fields #veggies #helpothers
    2 months ago
  • Are you looking for some volunteer work that is hugely beneficial to you and your local community? If so then contact us at Gleaning Cornwall where we offer many volunteer roles, from helping in the field to running local fundraising events like coffee mornings and table top sales.#gleaning#volunteers #helpingout #cornwallfood #foodpovertyuk #grattitude🙏
    3 months ago
  • A huge thank you to all those who supported us throughout 2024, with your help we have gleaned a MASSIVE 80 tons of fruits and veg. What a great achievement to have provided so much good nutrition to those in need our local community. We will be back in the fields in the next week so please PM for details of how to join the team. Till then have a peaceful evening and a wonderful year ahead in 2025💪🥦💪🥬#newyear #thankyou#peace #veggies#localfarmers #foodsurplus #2025 #gleaning #cornwall #volunteering #funding #gratitudeattitude
    3 months ago
  • 🥬🎄Wishing a very Happy Christmas to One and All.
The farms, farmers, producers and smallholders that donate surplus produce for us to glean. 🥦🥬 Our community of fantastic volunteers who show up in all weathers with big hearts and smiles both in the field and across the county delivering , to all of you who support us financially. 
A big up to all the team. 
This year we gleaned a whopping 80tons of produce… by hand! 💪
This is incredible, this is community at work. 💓
Our crowdfunder is live link in biog🙏🏼
Should you wish to donate a little to keep us going…..and there’s a chance to win some fab prizes too! #grattitude#2024 #crowdfunder #gleaning#cornishfarmers #community #surplusfood #foodpoverty#cornishfood #christmas2024 #thanks #positivethoughts #volunteering
    3 months ago
  • Supporting our crowdfunder will help to ensure we can keep providing essential free, fresh nutrition to those living in food poverty across our county and beyond. If you give at Christmas please do consider us… we would be so grateful.
The bonus with this crowd funder is that you could be a WINNER!! By entering the draw you will have a chance of winning a stay in a cosy cottage down in beautiful rural west Penwith, other prizes include original artwork, jewellery, rum and an organic veg box! Only applicable to donations of £5 and over🙏
All details on the crowdfunder , hit the link 🔗 in the biog
#prizestobewon #cornwall#rural #cornishcottage #gleaning#funds #community #winner #luckyyou #grattitude #christmasgiving #foodpoverty
    3 months ago
  • Why not join us in the field for a final push to get delicious nutrition out across the county to those in need this Christmas? We have 4 Gleans next week. SUNDAY cavelo Nero picking nr Perranporth. MONDAY cauliflower harvesting Nr Mabe. TUESDAY leek pulling Nr Landrake and also TUESDAY harvesting greens Nr Penryn. Come along and get christmessy in a field. We’ll bring hot beverages, mince pies and cheery banter… you bring warm clothing and footwear for the field. DM for locations#gleaningsforthehungry #nutritiousanddelicious #foodwastewarriors #feedingthehomeless#foodforall #localfood #cornwall #volunteeringisfun #community #grattitude#christmasgiving #cornishfarmers
    4 months ago
  • Wild and windy coastal location for our Monday glean. We never know where our field will be.. that’s part of the fun side of gleaning! On the 💪side we cut, packed and distributed 110 crates of delicious cauliflower. What a haul, thank you to @riviera.produce we really appreciate your support and commitment to saving food from waste and getting it to those in need, this is community at work. To enable us to continue to provide highly nutritious produce to those in need for FREE we need your help. please support our crowdfunder if you can . Link in biog #hungry #foodwaste#nutritional #cornishcommunity #volunteering #funding #crowdfunding #grattitude
    4 months ago
  • If you can, please do support our crowdfunder.
You can also enter the draw to win some great prizes…#crowdfunding #support #gleaning#foodpoverty #surplusfood #hungrypeople #cornwallliving #christmasappeal #grattitude 🎄🙏🎄 LINK IN BIOG 🙏🥬🙏
    4 months ago
  • It’s not often we glean organic produce here in Cornwall, but this week as small team of volunteers harvested 93 crates of organic cauliflower. Thanks to our friends @riviera.produce not only did we have a hail@of cauliflower but also 89 nets of crisp and tasty greens too. We love working alongside our farming community, helping make fresh nutritious food security for all. #foodsecurityforall #farming #cornwall#organicfarming #volunteersmakeadifference #gratitudeisamust
    4 months ago
  • Click on the link to read about our visit to Riviera Produce last week. Don’t we look fab in our safety gear! #Riviera.Produce#gleaning #farmers #cornwall#cornishproduce #volunteersrock
    4 months ago
Thank you to Katie and the team at #heligangardens for inviting us. We really enjoyed hearing about the productive gardens. How lovingly your teams have restored the stunning walled garden, the produce you grow and how, how neat everything is. It was really inspiring to see so much growth, and a pleasure to share stories of what we do at #gleaningcornwall . Our volunteers were in awe of the gardens as we wandered through exotic plantings and enjoyed the explosive colours of the rhododendrons, camellias and magnolias. We look forward to returning later in the year, gleaning some produce and sharing growing tips. #gardens #cornwall #volunteeringisfun #daysout #springtime #collaboration #gleaning #walkingaround #joy #grattitude
14 hours ago
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Super springy kale glean this week. What a fab superfood this is. This one is an easy pick, no bending down and no equipment needed to harvest these beauties.#nutrition #riviera.produce#kale #superfood #nutritiousanddelicious #greens #volunteering#gleaning #foodpoverty #helpinghands ##cornwall
2 days ago
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Come a join us this Sunday from 10-12 on a parsnip pick! This is a family friendly glean to collect parsnips missed by the harvester. Helping us is helping others in our community, so please do come along. The glean is in Sennen, and wellies are essential whatever the weather. Please DM for exact location. See you there!#parsnips#freshveg#nutrition #foodpovertyawareness #community#sennen #helpinghands
2 weeks ago
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Wow what a BUMPER WEEK! With HUGE THANKS to our super supportive farming community @riviera.produce for scrumptious cauliflower @collinscornishpotatoes for smashing spuds and Brew farm Sennen for perfect parsnips. Working collaborations with local producers enables us to support those in food poverty across Cornwall, and beyond#community #cornwallfarmers #supportivecommunity #gleaning #freshproduce #nourishment #helpinghands
2 weeks ago
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4/16  Check out this fab little video made with #transformationcornwall on a sunny day out gleaning last year. And if you like to help us keep on doing what we do best then please do support our crowdfunder link in biog and QR Code at the end of the video🌈🙏🥬🍏🍅🫛🥦🥒🧅🥔#foodpovertyuk #cornwalllife #supportingcommunity #crowdfund #farminguk #gleaningnetworkuk #volunteer#grattitude Check out this fab little video made with #transformationcornwall on a sunny day out gleaning last year. And if you like to help us keep on doing what we do best then please do support our crowdfunder link in biog and QR Code at the end of the video🌈🙏🥬🍏🍅🫛🥦🥒🧅🥔#foodpovertyuk #cornwalllife #supportingcommunity #crowdfund #farminguk #gleaningnetworkuk #volunteer#grattitude
1 month ago
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What a joyful time of year is parsnip harvest. Ooh how we love those sweet white roots. Today, with a small team of volunteers we picked up, dug up and wrangled with enough of these beauties to send out across the county and beyond. Thanks to the Semmens family @Brew Farm, down West. #parsnips #gleaning #community #volunteering #sunshine #sennencove #cornwall#feedingthehungry #localproducers #grattitude
1 month ago
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It was great to be invited to have breakfast with #The grumpy old men’s breakfast club at #thepenventonhotel . Teresa who is Gleaning Cornwalls Logistics Queen and Jeni, Miss boots on the ground joined this fantastic group of chaps to drum up some volunteer drivers and field volunteers. It was such a joy to see so many guys all chatting and enjoying company. Many of the chaps we spoke with were retired and or had lost their wives, found coming together as a group to be really rewarding. Volunteering is such a fantastic way to make new friends, be part of the community and have a rewarding experience. If you can help us by becoming a volunteer DRIVER help with FUNDRAISING, or be a field veg gatherer then drop us a message…. We look forward to meeting you. #gleaning #drivers #community #social #friendship#fields #veggies #helpothers
2 months ago
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Are you looking for some volunteer work that is hugely beneficial to you and your local community? If so then contact us at Gleaning Cornwall where we offer many volunteer roles, from helping in the field to running local fundraising events like coffee mornings and table top sales.#gleaning#volunteers #helpingout #cornwallfood #foodpovertyuk #grattitude🙏
3 months ago
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A huge thank you to all those who supported us throughout 2024, with your help we have gleaned a MASSIVE 80 tons of fruits and veg. What a great achievement to have provided so much good nutrition to those in need our local community. We will be back in the fields in the next week so please PM for details of how to join the team. Till then have a peaceful evening and a wonderful year ahead in 2025💪🥦💪🥬#newyear #thankyou#peace #veggies#localfarmers #foodsurplus #2025 #gleaning #cornwall #volunteering #funding #gratitudeattitude
A huge thank you to all those who supported us throughout 2024, with your help we have gleaned a MASSIVE 80 tons of fruits and veg. What a great achievement to have provided so much good nutrition to those in need our local community. We will be back in the fields in the next week so please PM for details of how to join the team. Till then have a peaceful evening and a wonderful year ahead in 2025💪🥦💪🥬#newyear #thankyou#peace #veggies#localfarmers #foodsurplus #2025 #gleaning #cornwall #volunteering #funding #gratitudeattitude
3 months ago
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🥬🎄Wishing a very Happy Christmas to One and All. The farms, farmers, producers and smallholders that donate surplus produce for us to glean. 🥦🥬 Our community of fantastic volunteers who show up in all weathers with big hearts and smiles both in the field and across the county delivering , to all of you who support us financially. A big up to all the team. This year we gleaned a whopping 80tons of produce… by hand! 💪 This is incredible, this is community at work. 💓 Our crowdfunder is live link in biog🙏🏼 Should you wish to donate a little to keep us going…..and there’s a chance to win some fab prizes too! #grattitude#2024 #crowdfunder #gleaning#cornishfarmers #community #surplusfood #foodpoverty#cornishfood #christmas2024 #thanks #positivethoughts #volunteering
3 months ago
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Supporting our crowdfunder will help to ensure we can keep providing essential free, fresh nutrition to those living in food poverty across our county and beyond. If you give at Christmas please do consider us… we would be so grateful.
The bonus with this crowd funder is that you could be a WINNER!! By entering the draw you will have a chance of winning a stay in a cosy cottage down in beautiful rural west Penwith, other prizes include original artwork, jewellery, rum and an organic veg box! Only applicable to donations of £5 and over🙏
All details on the crowdfunder , hit the link 🔗 in the biog
#prizestobewon #cornwall#rural #cornishcottage #gleaning#funds #community #winner #luckyyou #grattitude #christmasgiving #foodpoverty
Supporting our crowdfunder will help to ensure we can keep providing essential free, fresh nutrition to those living in food poverty across our county and beyond. If you give at Christmas please do consider us… we would be so grateful. The bonus with this crowd funder is that you could be a WINNER!! By entering the draw you will have a chance of winning a stay in a cosy cottage down in beautiful rural west Penwith, other prizes include original artwork, jewellery, rum and an organic veg box! Only applicable to donations of £5 and over🙏 All details on the crowdfunder , hit the link 🔗 in the biog #prizestobewon #cornwall#rural #cornishcottage #gleaning#funds #community #winner #luckyyou #grattitude #christmasgiving #foodpoverty
3 months ago
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Why not join us in the field for a final push to get delicious nutrition out across the county to those in need this Christmas? We have 4 Gleans next week. SUNDAY cavelo Nero picking nr Perranporth. MONDAY cauliflower harvesting Nr Mabe. TUESDAY leek pulling Nr Landrake and also TUESDAY harvesting greens Nr Penryn. Come along and get christmessy in a field. We’ll bring hot beverages, mince pies and cheery banter… you bring warm clothing and footwear for the field. DM for locations#gleaningsforthehungry #nutritiousanddelicious #foodwastewarriors #feedingthehomeless#foodforall #localfood #cornwall #volunteeringisfun #community #grattitude#christmasgiving #cornishfarmers
Why not join us in the field for a final push to get delicious nutrition out across the county to those in need this Christmas? We have 4 Gleans next week. SUNDAY cavelo Nero picking nr Perranporth. MONDAY cauliflower harvesting Nr Mabe. TUESDAY leek pulling Nr Landrake and also TUESDAY harvesting greens Nr Penryn. Come along and get christmessy in a field. We’ll bring hot beverages, mince pies and cheery banter… you bring warm clothing and footwear for the field. DM for locations#gleaningsforthehungry #nutritiousanddelicious #foodwastewarriors #feedingthehomeless#foodforall #localfood #cornwall #volunteeringisfun #community #grattitude#christmasgiving #cornishfarmers
4 months ago
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Wild and windy coastal location for our Monday glean. We never know where our field will be.. that’s part of the fun side of gleaning! On the 💪side we cut, packed and distributed 110 crates of delicious cauliflower. What a haul, thank you to @riviera.produce we really appreciate your support and commitment to saving food from waste and getting it to those in need, this is community at work. To enable us to continue to provide highly nutritious produce to those in need for FREE we need your help. please support our crowdfunder if you can . Link in biog #hungry #foodwaste#nutritional #cornishcommunity #volunteering #funding #crowdfunding #grattitude
Wild and windy coastal location for our Monday glean. We never know where our field will be.. that’s part of the fun side of gleaning! On the 💪side we cut, packed and distributed 110 crates of delicious cauliflower. What a haul, thank you to @riviera.produce we really appreciate your support and commitment to saving food from waste and getting it to those in need, this is community at work. To enable us to continue to provide highly nutritious produce to those in need for FREE we need your help. please support our crowdfunder if you can . Link in biog #hungry #foodwaste#nutritional #cornishcommunity #volunteering #funding #crowdfunding #grattitude
Wild and windy coastal location for our Monday glean. We never know where our field will be.. that’s part of the fun side of gleaning! On the 💪side we cut, packed and distributed 110 crates of delicious cauliflower. What a haul, thank you to @riviera.produce we really appreciate your support and commitment to saving food from waste and getting it to those in need, this is community at work. To enable us to continue to provide highly nutritious produce to those in need for FREE we need your help. please support our crowdfunder if you can . Link in biog #hungry #foodwaste#nutritional #cornishcommunity #volunteering #funding #crowdfunding #grattitude
Wild and windy coastal location for our Monday glean. We never know where our field will be.. that’s part of the fun side of gleaning! On the 💪side we cut, packed and distributed 110 crates of delicious cauliflower. What a haul, thank you to @riviera.produce we really appreciate your support and commitment to saving food from waste and getting it to those in need, this is community at work. To enable us to continue to provide highly nutritious produce to those in need for FREE we need your help. please support our crowdfunder if you can . Link in biog #hungry #foodwaste#nutritional #cornishcommunity #volunteering #funding #crowdfunding #grattitude
4 months ago
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If you can, please do support our crowdfunder.
You can also enter the draw to win some great prizes…#crowdfunding #support #gleaning#foodpoverty #surplusfood #hungrypeople #cornwallliving #christmasappeal #grattitude 🎄🙏🎄 LINK IN BIOG 🙏🥬🙏
If you can, please do support our crowdfunder. You can also enter the draw to win some great prizes…#crowdfunding #support #gleaning#foodpoverty #surplusfood #hungrypeople #cornwallliving #christmasappeal #grattitude 🎄🙏🎄 LINK IN BIOG 🙏🥬🙏
4 months ago
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It’s not often we glean organic produce here in Cornwall, but this week as small team of volunteers harvested 93 crates of organic cauliflower. Thanks to our friends @riviera.produce not only did we have a hail@of cauliflower but also 89 nets of crisp and tasty greens too. We love working alongside our farming community, helping make fresh nutritious food security for all. #foodsecurityforall #farming #cornwall#organicfarming #volunteersmakeadifference #gratitudeisamust
It’s not often we glean organic produce here in Cornwall, but this week as small team of volunteers harvested 93 crates of organic cauliflower. Thanks to our friends @riviera.produce not only did we have a hail@of cauliflower but also 89 nets of crisp and tasty greens too. We love working alongside our farming community, helping make fresh nutritious food security for all. #foodsecurityforall #farming #cornwall#organicfarming #volunteersmakeadifference #gratitudeisamust
It’s not often we glean organic produce here in Cornwall, but this week as small team of volunteers harvested 93 crates of organic cauliflower. Thanks to our friends @riviera.produce not only did we have a hail@of cauliflower but also 89 nets of crisp and tasty greens too. We love working alongside our farming community, helping make fresh nutritious food security for all. #foodsecurityforall #farming #cornwall#organicfarming #volunteersmakeadifference #gratitudeisamust
4 months ago
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Click on the link to read about our visit to Riviera Produce last week. Don’t we look fab in our safety gear! #Riviera.Produce#gleaning #farmers #cornwall#cornishproduce #volunteersrock
Click on the link to read about our visit to Riviera Produce last week. Don’t we look fab in our safety gear! #Riviera.Produce#gleaning #farmers #cornwall#cornishproduce #volunteersrock
4 months ago
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